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VDCS GLOBAL® company mainly focuses on online lead generation and can be considered as digital marketing agency/social media marketing agency/freelancers/information company.
We provide all customized solutions:
For example:
1. If you have your staff and need only guidance, we provide it
2. Can outsource whole project.
3. Want training of Digital Marketing, we provide it….
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We Mainly Provide:
• Digital Marketing Consultant/Consulting Services
• Online Lead Generation Services

• SMS Marketing

• E-mail Marketing

• WhatsApp Marketing
• Annual Maintenance Contract
• Search Engine Optimization
• Google Penalty Recovery
• E-Commerce SEO
• ECommerce Web Development
• Information Technology Services
• Software Development
• Social Media Marketing
• Social Media Management
• Search Engine Marketing
• Google Friendly Web Development (If needed)
• Graphic Designs (Search Engine Friendly)
• Amazon Affiliate Marketing
• Flipkart Affiliate Marketing
• Mass Photo Editing
• Content Marketing
• Custom API Development
• CMS Web Conversion
• Drupal Web Development
• Mobile App UI Design
• Shopify Web Development
• Vue JS Development
• React JS Development
• Infusionsoft Development

• Education ERP
• School Management Software ( SMS)
• School Portal
• Admission Management Software
• Result Management software
• Student Portal
• Online Admission Software
• Library Management system
• Communication Management software
• Exam Management Software
• Online Exam Management Software
• Online Report Card Software

As the best digital marketing company in Pune, India and Serving Clients Globally & Locally, we believe that digital marketing is an asset for your business growth and enables you to interact with targeted audiences in real-time.
Having just a website does not give you the competitive edge required to develop your business online. As your trusted digital marketing service provider, we recommend that your website needs an effective strategy to attract customers.
The digital way to bring in customers to your site or create awareness about your brand is by utilizing the right techniques like – Lead Generation, Online Advertising, SEO services, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and much more.

Here are few of the many benefits of digital marketing listed by digital marketing companies in India:
· Higher conversion rates
· Increased brand awareness
· Cost-effective and better ROI for your investment
· Segmentation, personalization, and automation
· Targeted audience
· Easy to scale, measure and adapt
· Integrate marketing with mobile technology
· Global reach
Your business needs digital marketing to compete. Online is where the customers are. VDCS GLOBAL, as one of the leading digital marketing agencies, provides you with the best-of-the-best when it comes to digital marketing services in Pune, India.

Digital marketing service providers state that renders great results, but to see real, lasting, and meaningful outcomes, it takes continuous effort, time, and expertise.
There’s no general rule stating when to expect results, but according to experts, it takes digital marketing agencies three months to a year to see the results of what they are doing.

A digital markting agency that provides 360 degree marketing services can provide SEO consulting service for your website. As approximately 72% people searche on google about their queries, SEO consultants can help you present the right type of content to the right people at the right time.

A digital marketing agency can do detailed website analysis, backlink audit, UX evaluation and develop a customize SEO strategy to reach your business goals.”

Digital Marketing agencies provide a lot of services for various online activities like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Content Marketing (Blogging & Article Writing), Downloadable Content Offerings, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing, Video Production, Website Design / Micro-site Development, Public Relations (PR).

In a competitive global market where more and more businesses are taking the digital route to achieve success in the business, there are billions of people searching for what you have to offer. However, to allow people to reach what they are searching for, it is important to rank higher in search engines. Search engines crawl the web, follow links and index content. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of getting free or organic traffic to the website. It allows your site to rank higher in search engine results of Google, Bing, Yahoo or other search engines when the user searches for a query. These websites use complex algorithms to determine the website’s ranking.

If you are planning to run an internet campaign then SEO is one aspect of digital marketing that you cannot afford to miss out on. Although it may be one of the most cost-effective marketing techniques, it is also arguably one of the toughest strategies to implement and get right. Success in SEO depends on a number of factors which allow better performance and ranking as compared to competitors.

Cost Effective Solution

There are many digital advertising methods which have high costs and low returns attached to it. This is why SEO is a more cost-effective solution. It has a better ROI as compared to other techniques, such as PPC and online ads.

Build an Online Presence

SEO allows you to obtain higher ranks for your website in the local as well as global search markets. Users trust sites that have a higher search engine ranking. This helps in building trust for your site. Moreover, people who find the site through search engines are more likely to promote it on social media. This helps in brand building.

Get Ahead of Competition

SEO allows you to get ahead of your competition. If there are two websites with the same business, let’s say it is online insurance comparison, then a site which ranks better in search engine results gets more mileage and better results as compared to a competitor. In order to obtain the advantage over a competitors, it is important to rank better and this is possible through SEO only.

Best for Lead Generation

Most people believe paid search is much better and SEO is all but dead. But this a misconception. To get the maximum results, paid search needs to work in sync with SEO. Search engine optimization brings in traffic. Although this may or may not convert into sales, but it is an excellent tool for lead generation.

The traffic generated by SEO also gives excellent insight onto your customers, i.e. what they search for, the time of the day when they do so, the technology they use, where they live, etc. This helps in building better business strategies.

SEO is a great marketing technique that can bring in qualified leads and customers while keeping the brand name alive among the customers. What are your thoughts on the importance of digital marketing?

Some call it the new SEO, the way forward for many companies looking to thrive in the social media ecosystem. But what exactly is SMO? Social Media Optimization or SMO as it is popularly known, is the perfect alliance between search engine optimization and social media. It is used for increasing the brand or product awareness by using social media channels and communities. This includes the use of social media sites, video sites as well as RSS feed, bookmarking sites and blogging sites for driving traffic to the website and improving the site’s organic search results. The methodization of the social media activity is done with the aim for getting unique visitors to the website content.

Publishing content on social networks and designing it in such a way as to encourage sharing and engagement are some of the key motives of SMO. A Facebook sharing button on your website or a RSS feed on the blog are great examples of SMO. In this article, we list the key reasons why SMO is necessary.

Why is Social Media Optimization Important?

         1.Ensures a Strong Presence on the Web

With SMO, you can ensure a strong web presence for the business and establishes the internet authority of the brand. It not only introduces people to the business but also helps in branding, improving brand visibility and recall.    

           2. Increases the Reach

Social media optimization provides the opportunity to reach out to niche audience. The medium allows you to position the brand to the customers on their own terms. With accessibility through mobile, video and audio, your customers get the chance to reach out to you anywhere, everywhere.

          3.Drive More Traffic

Social Media Optimization is a great source for traffic generation. The social media channels allow you to reach customers worldwide. Moreover, this can happen without extra investments.

         4.Lead Generation

Although social media is particularly useful for branding and creating a buzz, it is increasingly used for lead generation. Tapping into the social media channels can transform the lead generation campaigns significantly.

        5.Improves Search Engine Ranking

In sync with the search engine optimization and the search engine marketing efforts can also help in improving the ranking on the search engines. Since search engines have started acquiring data from social media channels such as Google+ and showing them on the search results, SMO has gained prominence among marketers.

To make the most of social media optimization, businesses need to keep their content relevant as well as shareable. The more the content is shared the better would be its rankings in search engines. This will lead to a strong social media presence and also drive traffic to the website.

Pay-Per-Click or PPC as it is more popularly known is an advertising model on the Internet. This paid form of advertising is used to direct traffic to the website. The advertisers have to bid on the keywords that are relevant to their business, for example keyword phrase such as health insurance online is relevant for an insurance advertiser.

So when the user searches for the term health insurance online on a search engine, the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) reveals your sponsored post. If you are ranking ahead of others, you would have to pay more for appearing at the top of the search results. Although PPC is highly competitive and expensive, it is quite popular among digital marketers due to its effectiveness. Here are some factors why PPC is important in digital marketing.

Good for Targeting

You can reach the audience that is searching for your product. This is great for targeting and getting immediate traffic to your page. With the right phrase match, broad match or exact match, you can ensure that the searchers get the exact match that they are searching for. As an advertiser you can respond to that need by providing them the offer for their search query. This ensures that with the right keywords you bring the people who are ready to buy your product to the site.

High Conversion Rates

Unlike SEO that is unpredictable or display ads, PPC results in high conversion rates. Searchers click on these ads as it is highly relevant to what the searchers may be looking for.

You Have Control

Unlike SEO where you have far less control over rankings and relevant site visitors, PPC offers more control to the digital marketer. A highly controlled bid management system with creative copy and budgeting can be controlled. Moreover, Google Adwords allows you to see the clicks to the site, actual sales, etc.

Helps in Branding

PPC helps in exposing the brand’s name and message out to prospective customers. This allows the end customers to quickly spot your brand and identify it.

It is Quicker

Unlike SEO where you page takes time to get indexed, PPC through search engines like Google allow you to bring the people searching for a keyword to your site quicker.

You Can Advertise Globally

PPC allows you to target customers in different cities, regions and cities. This allows you to target and reach a wider audience.

There are many factors that many business owners neglect while running PPC ads. This includes the quality of the ads and how the campaign is executed. While you can always do it on your own, ideally you should have an expert set up the campaign and manage it. The expert will tweak your ads, try new PPC keywords, refine landing pages, split ad groups and optimize your campaign when needed. Managing new campaigns regularly is the only way to ensure that they stay effective.

Images powered by Salvatore Vuono/

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